Paver Steps and Sidewalks

Retaining wall and hardscape steps

Retaining wall and hardscape steps

Add character to your home with paver steps and custom sidewalks. Whether you’re going for a softer look, a vintage feel, or prefer to make a statement, you can select paver stones that fit your style.

We use pavers from Belgard Hardscapes and U.S. Stone. They come in an array of colors and materials. If you can dream it, we can build it.


Paver Patios and Benchwalls

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Create a warm, inviting outdoor paradise with paver patios and benchwalls. These unique features add understated elegance. Each project is custom and fits the aesthetic of the homeowner. 


Water Features & Nightscaping

Stop the hustle and slip away to a peaceful little place of your own. Water features can turn your backyard into a beautiful, relaxing retreat. The most popular options are low maintenance, energy efficient, and kid-friendly. (Pets will love it, too!)


Pondless waterfalls

Enjoy the soft, serene sounds of nature. The water can be turned on or off when needed and stays clear without being treated.


Nightscaping illuminates water features, sidewalks, and outdoor living spaces. Relax or entertain friends after sundown!

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Native Limestone Retaining Walls

Limestone retaining wall and landscape beds

Limestone retaining wall and landscape beds

Retaining walls may seem utilitarian, but with a little forethought, they can be designed to blend into the overall aesthetic of your yard. 

Our attractive, durable retaining walls start with native limestone. You may recognize this stone from the K-State alumni center and athletic stadiums. It’s quarried locally by U.S. Stone Industries.


Landscape Beds

Rock landscape beds with plants

Rock landscape beds with plants

Our team can simplify your landscaping with low-maintenance bushes, shrubs, and plants.

  • Low-Maintenance: Cover landscape beds with local river rock gravel and weedmat for less frequent weeding. Choose bushes and shrubs that require minimal trimming.
  • Resilient Plants: Our landscape designers grew up in the area, so we know how to select plants that can thrive in the hot and cold Kansas climate
  • Vibrant Colors: We incorporate bursts of color into our designs, such as small rows of plants that will bloom most of the year.
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Sod & Seeding

Imagine grass so lush and thick you skip the sidewalk just for the pleasure of walking through it.

Grounded Landscape installs sod & plants seed at new construction sites as well as overseeding on existing lawns. We work with home & business owners and help them make the best decision for their location, budget, and dreams.

  • Sod will give you instant gratification. This thick, established grass is weed-free and fertilized. However, it’s a bigger up-front investment.
  • Seed requires more patience but is a less-expensive option. With some TLC, your seeded lawn should mature in a year or two.
  • Overseeding is a great way to improve the quality of your lawn without having to start completely over. We can fill in bare spots or introduce new varieties to enhance the lawn’s density and color.
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Irrigation Systems

Irrigation systems protect the investment you’ve made in your lawn. You’ll enjoy beautiful, healthier grass; save on the cost of re-seeding; and be more efficient with your watering.

It’s best to install a lawn irrigation system during the new construction phase. You’ll save money and avoid the hassle of a torn up yard.

But we all know how hot Kansas gets in the summer! If you’re seeing the effects of extreme heat on your formerly lush lawn, it may be time to install an irrigation system.

Commercial Landscaping

Grounded Landscape provides commercial landscaping services near Manhattan, Kansas, including seeding, sod, irrigation, and landscape beds.

We welcome opportunities to bid on commercial projects. We work with general contractors who are looking for an honest & dependable local landscaping company.

Please contact us at 785-410-6229 to discuss your project and request a bid.